Inductive thinking is a branch of logic. In a valid teaching argument, the conclusion (following) is believed to be true on the basis of its predecessors. Hilda Taba believed that students make generalizations only after data are organized.  She believed that students can be led toward making generalizations through concept development and concept attainment strategies. Generalizations like concepts, are the end products of a process of an individual's abstracting from a group of items of his experience those elements of characteristics the items share, and expressing his recognition of this commonality in a way that is convincing to others. The two major differences between concepts and generalizations are, first of all, that in generalizations the verbal form of the process is expressed as a sentence rather than a word or phrase as in the case of concepts, and second, that generalizations are here taken as representing a higher level of thinking than concepts in that they are a statement of relationships among two or more of these concepts.

Inductive Thinking Model ppt

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  Hello Everyone! I am Gesha Naik, a teacher trainee from G.V.M's Dr. Dada Vaidya College of Education, Ponda Goa . In this blog you wil...